Table of Contents
Our organization is called Club Lounge.
Club lounge is a web application designed for UH club community allow clubs to create their own club page and event. This application will be made with:
- Meteor for Javascript-based implementation of client and server code.
- React for component-based UI implementation and routing.
- Semantic UI React CSS Framework for UI design.
- Uniforms for React and Semantic UI-based form design and display.
- Underscore for processing data more easily
Team members
User Guide
This section provides a walkthrough of the Club Lounge user interface and its capabilities.
Landing page
Tha landing page is present to users when they visit the app, and it gives the users to either sign in or sign up to the application.
Landing Page After Sign In
Once the user is signed in to the app, they are presented with a different landing page. Explaining what each option of the app does as well as the clubs that user is in.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events shows all the events hosted by the clubs and user is given an option to either register for the event or see more info about the event.
Another great feature to our upcoming events is that we have a search bar for the events based on their tags, so user can find events that relates to them the most.
After the user clicks “more info”, they are greeted with more information about the event and who else is joining the event.
This page shows all the clubs and gives the user an option to see more info about the club.
Once the user clicks on the “more info”, they will be greeted with a different page containing all the information about the club and option to join the club.
Event(Club Owner & Club Officers)
The event page has more options for the club owner and club officer so that they can edit info about the event and add tags as well.
Club Information(Club Owner & Club Officers)
Giving club owner and club officer the option to edit club information (Member Management is limited to club owner only).
Admin has a different page option where it shows all the club requests made by the users. Admin has an option to approve or decline the request. Once the admin approve the club request, their club shows up into the “Join a club” page allowing users to join the club, but when the admin declines the request, the request will disappear.
Event Tags(Admin)
Page that allows admin to edit event tags available for clubs to use for their events. There is option to remove an existing tag or add new ones.
Developer Guide
This section gives the information of interest to Meteor developers wishing to user this code as a basis for their own development.
First, install Meteor.
Second, visit the Club Lounge application github page, and click the “Use this template” button and create your own repository initialized with a copy of this app.
Third, cd into the club-lounge/app directory and install libraries with
$ meteor npm install
Fourth, run the system with:
$ meteor npm run start
On any future startup, system can be initialized with:
$meteor run
If everything set up correctly, the application will be viewable through http://localhost:3000.
The config directory intended to hold settings files. The repository contains one file: config/settings.development.json
This file contains all the default accounts.
At the end of the file there is a field called “loadAssetsFile”, which is set to true
, which means that it will read the data in the file app/private/data.json (Contains default club, event, request, and tags data)
If you set it to false
, then it will not read the data from that file. This illustrates how to initialize a system when the initial data exceeds the size limitations for the settings file.
Milestone 1
Milestone 1 was managed through Club-Lounge GitHub project board.
Mockup stage
The results of our milestone 1 is shown in the user guie section, each picture’s title is linked to the meteor deployment of the same page displayed.
Jun Miao - Landing page
- If is no logged in user, site would only display the landing page with no navigation bar. From the landing page, there would be the site name, and a little description about what the application would do. There would be two buttons at the center of the page to prompt user to either login or sign up.
- If logged in, then navigation bar would be visible with the appropriate options. On the landing page, the login and sign up options would be replaced with three segments explaining what the application does.
Nomin Boldbayar - Upcoming events page
- After user logs in, they can see the upcoming events page in the navigation bar. They can click on the link and it will show all the events hosted by the UH registered clubs.
- All the events are formed as a card form of Semantic-UI React. Each card has information about the event itself, and who’s hosting the event as well. In addition to the card, on each card, it will have two buttons, offering the user to register for the event and to see more information about the event.
Vince Khyla Rabang - Create a club page
- On the navigation bar there will be create club option for all users. Once they fill out the form, the information will be sent to the admin database for their approval.
- Once the club approved by admin, the club will have a ‘club’ role allowing them to add events, edit their events, and edit their club info.
Sang Jin Lee - Join a club page
- There will be a join button for each clubs, and the user will be able to join however many clubs they desire.
- If the user already joined certain club, the join button will be disabled. (Leave club button will be implemented after the database is set up.)
- Search bar for the clubs will be implemented after the database is setup.
Milestone 2
Milestone 2 is managed through Club-Lounge GitHub project board.
Database setup
For milestone 2, we will be focusing more on linking everything together. We will set up the database, and implement needed linking to each button and forms. And throughout the process, we’ve discussed application’s “special sauce”, which we will be working on Milestone 3.
Jun Miao - Search Club & Club approval
- Search section in the “Join a club” allows the user to a live search the clubs based on their name
- Once the admin goes to the “Approve(Admin)” page, which only they can see, can choose to wither approve ot decline the request made by the user. If they approve the club, they will appear on the “Join a club” page. On the other hand, if they decline the request, the request will just disappear.
Nomin Boldbayar - Club data asset & Profile Page
- Asset file provides the system to have more data, overcoming the default data in the settings. It allows the application to read more data from the data.json from the private section in the app.
- Once the user signed in, the user can view their profile page by clicking on the right corner of the application in the dropdown menu, called “Profile”. The profile page shows their picture, email, and first and last name.
Vince Khyla Rabang - Register info & More info on events
- When the user is signing up for the application, the information asked will match the profile information, and the information added to the accounts and profiles.
- Under the “upcoming events” page, the cards have “more info” button, and once the user click on more info page, the user will be taken to a page where it shows all the information about the event.
Sang Jin Lee - Join a club & Event attendance
- When the user click the “join” button under the “Join a club” page, they will be join the club, and the “join” button will be disabled once they join the club.
- When user register for an event, the admin is able to see who is attending to what event in their special page called “Attendees(Admin)”.
Milestone 3
Milestone 3 is managed through Club-Lounge GitHub project board.
Special Sauce
- There will be filter based on the event’s tags so user can find events based on their interests.
- Profile page will be able to post user’s joined clubs and registered events.
- More info on “Join a club” will be able to show all the events hosted by the club themselves, even the members of the club.
Jun Miao - Tag system for events
- creating tag systems, created by the admin, and the tags are meant for the events. Under the upcoming event’s page, the user can search events based on their tags, and choose the event they want to go.
Nomin Boldbayar - Profile: showing clubs and events
- Under the profile, the user can see the clubs they are in and events they registered for.
Vince Khyla Rabang - Events: showing tags on events
- When the user presses the more info on event, the user can see the tags on the new page as well.
Sang Jin Lee - Clubs: showing hosted events on club info
- When the user clicks the more info on club, the user can see the hosted events by the club.
User Feedback
- “I was able to to join a club, created a club, and join any upcoming events avaliable. However, one of the problems that I came across was uploading a image on my profile. I also can’t edit my profile’s image.” -Yeji Lee (Former UH Manoa sutdent)